
Drug and Alcohol Test Answers 14

    True or False: How quickly other drugs reach the bloodstream varies depending upon how the drug is put into the system and the type of drug, the age of the user, and the weight of the user.
  • ________________ are the body's adverse reaction to introducing an excessive amount of a toxic substance into the system.
  • Multiple lane changes must be done individually, going through the same procedures for each lane change.
  • True or False: Multiple lane changes must be done individually, going through the same procedures for each lane change.
  • is tolerance an absorption rate factor
  • ________ are the bodys adverse reaction to introducing an excessive amount of a toxic substance into the system
  • ____________ of a license is defined as a formal action to terminate a license
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  • __________are one of the many seriously damaging effects of alcohol.
  • 9 The same amount of alcohol will be more diluted in a larger individual because _____________.
  • All of the following are administrative sanctions the MVA might impose if a person is found guilty of impaired driving except:
  • blank of drivers age 16-20 who admitted to driving after taking drugs felt they were "not high enough to cause a crash'
  • drivers were tested on various driving exercises before they had been drinking. they were given alcoholic beverages of their choice. occurred as BALls increased
  • Excretion rates of drugs vary greatly depending upon__________________.
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  • how quickly a drug enters the bloodstream also depends on
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  • If you fail to provide proof of insurance, your driver license and license plates will be suspended for up to ________________
  • In Florida, any driver less than 21 years of age who is stopped by law enforcement and has a breath or blood alcohol level of .02 or higher will automatically have his or her driving privilege suspended for
  • is one of the first adverse aspects of use of alcohol permit test
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  • of drivers age 16-20 who admitted to driving after taking drugs
  • true or false if necessary your blood may be drawn in dui caes involving serious body injury or death by authorized is it true or false
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  • the more alcohol concentrated a beverage is the blank
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  • True or False: If a single broken yellow line is present, either lane of traffic may pass when it is safe to do so.
  • True or False: If you ride a bicycle in Florida, your bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle.
  • True or False: Multiple lane changes must be done individually,...
  • use ____ to prevent friends who have been drinking
  • Visual acuity is reduced more than ______________ at nighttime.
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  • what percent of driver age 16-20 who admitted to driving after taking drugs that they were not high enough to cause a crash
  • With some exceptions, epidemiological studies indicate the presence of THC in roughly __________ of drivers injured or killed in traffic collisions.
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  • how quickly a drug enters your bloodstream also depends on
  • within minutes after a drink is consumed
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  • true or false you may drive with parking lights only (in place of headlights)
  • blank can speed up alcohol absorption
  • different beverages may be absorbed at slightly different rates because of
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  • the more alcohol-concentrated a beverage is the faster it will be absorbed
  • the higher the percentage of the active ingredient in a drug
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  • Use __________ to prevent friends who have been drinking from driving.
  • whenever an individual stops drinking the bal will
  • a drinking driver may be able to steer
  • a heavier person will have a lower blood alcohol level
  • after a person stops drinking, his or her bal will
  • will slow down alcohol absorption
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  • alcohol is absorbed by the body much faster than food because
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  • the faster alcohol is consumed the faster it reaches the __________ bloodstream stomach brain liver
  • alcohol in excess of ________-proof will absorb more slowly because it irritates the stomach.
  • affect the amount and rate the alcohol reaches the bloodstream
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  • different beverages may be absorbed at different rates because of
  • true or false alcohol has to be broken down by the digestive system
  • the more alcohol-concentrated a beverage is, the __________.
  • once the bal has peaked and started to go down
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  • alcohol in excess of blank proof will absorb more slowly because it irritates the stomach
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  • excretion rates of drugs vary greatly depending on what
  • what can speed up alcohol absorption
  • True or False: Florida law prohibits you from increasing your speed until the vehicle that is passing you has completed the passing maneuver.
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  • is one of many factors that can determine the rate of alcohol absorption
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  • How quickly other drugs reach the bloodstream varies depending upon how the drug is put into the system and the type of drug, the age of the user, and the weight of the user.

Drug and Alcohol Test Answers 13

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  • you are passing another vehicle on a two lane highway you should not return
  • when passing on a two lane road you must first make sure you are clear to start passing by
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  • when passing another vehicle you are allowed to exceed the speed limit by
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  • when is passing prohibited on a two lane road
  • 18 when driving in rain the road becomes the most slippery
  • most skids are caused by drivers traveling
  • what prohibits you from increasing your speed until the vehicle
  • air bags are designed to deploy only under certain conditions, usually in the event of a
  • if you are stopping at an intersection with stop bars you should stop before:
  • true or false: you should select your mechanic before you experience vehicle failure.
  • one way to reduce the buildup of rage while driving is to
  • are one of the many seriously damaging effects of alcohol
  • ways to avoid emotional stress when driving include
  • you can short-circuit the buildup of rage when driving by
  • which of the following is a positive way of dealing with stress
  • which of the following is an example of aggressive driving behavior
  • the body naturally relaxes between 12
  • many illegal driving behaviors are considered
  • true or false: tailgating, or following too closely, is an example of aggressive driving.
  • you can short-circuit the buildup of rage when driving by
  • ways to avoid emotional stress when driving include:
  • one way to reduce the buildup of rage while driving is to
  • you have the ability to control your emotions while driving
  • which of the following is an example of aggressive driving
  • negative ways to deal with stress
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  • which of the following is a positive way of dealing with stress florida permit test
  • which of the following is an example of aggressive driving behavior permit test
  • what is an example of aggressive driving behavior?
  • examples of aggressive driving
  • you have the ability to control your emotions while driving
  • which of the following is an example of aggressive behavior brainly
  • aggressive driving cannot be defined as at least one of the following driving offenses
  • aggressive driving can be defined as at least one of the following driving offenses
  • which of the following is an example of aggressive driving permit test
  • the most extreme example of aggressive driving is called
  • road rage is an aggressive driving incident where the driver has
  • can lead to more aggressive behavior behind the wheel
  • aggressive driving can be defined as operating a vehicle in a manner that is likely to blank
  • aggressive driving can be defined as which of the following driving offenses
  • when driving your attention is
  • true or false: blood alcohol level can be reduced by drinking coffee.
  • true or false: weaving is a common clue to law enforcement that a driver is impaired.
  • when your ability to divide your attention
  • true or false: drowsiness affects your senses, especially your sense of smell.
  • drowsiness affects your senses especially your vision
  • drowsiness affects your senses especially your blank
  • true or false: barbiturates are among the most widely used depressant drugs in our society.
  • true or false the higher the bal the higher the risk of a fatal crash
  • true or false: the only predictable thing about a drug is that it will make you sick.
  • in recent studies was the most widely
  • true or false: tailgating, or following too closely, is an example of aggressive driving.
  • the only predictable thing about a drug and how an individual will respond to a drug is
  • true or false: barbiturates are among the most widely used depressant drugs in our society.
  • drowsiness affects your senses especially your
  • when taking any type of medication be sure to
  • combining drugs usually leads to
  • courteous behavior on the road will permit test
  • courteous behavior on the road will ___
  • many illegal driving behaviors are considered aggressive by law-enforcement because they demonstrate
  • true or false: lack of sleep is one of the leading causes of traffic fatalities.
  • fatigue can be both
  • true or false: 24 hours awake has the same effect as .1 blood alcohol level.
  • if you have abs on your car the best way to use the brake system is to:
  • alcohol occurs when the desire to feel good
  • before entering a passing lane be sure to check for good
  • is one of many factors that can determine the rate of alcohol absorption
  • true or false 24 hours awake has the same effect as .1 bal
  • being awake for 24 hours has the same effect as blood alcohol concentration
  • true or false: lack of sleep is one of the leading causes of traffic fatalities.
  • blank are one of the many seriously damaging effects of alcohol
  • many illegal driving behaviors are considered
  • true or false - in terms of percent, beer has more alcohol than whiskey.
  • true or false: you should select your mechanic before you experience vehicle failure.
  • true or false: it is legal to park on the right side of the roadway on a one-way street.
  • how to use abs brakes properly
  • how to use abs brakes in snow
  • when driving a car with anti lock brakes if your brakes fail you should
  • when driving a car with anti lock brakes if your brakes fail when you are trying to stop you should
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  • if you do not have an anti lock braking system abs and your car goes into a skid you should